• Reef's Story

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Hi, I’m Reef! My mom is going to talk for me because I have yet to find my voice. I just turned four. I am really lovable and my favorite thing to do is give kisses and hugs. My family and people who love me call me didi boy, pronounced “deet-dee boy”. I love to dance when my favorite songs come on. I also like when my brother and sisters play with me and chase me around the house. Being outside makes me feel grounded and I’m most content out there in all that nature. 

People say I’m a warrior because I have a lot of challenges that I conquer everyday. I have a gene mutation called SYNGAP1. This mutation causes Autism, Global Developmental Delay, Intellectual Disability, Epilepsy, and many other things like Hypotonia, a food aversion, I’m non-verbal, GI disease (lots of stomach pain), sleep disorder, etc. I’m in my own world of simplicity like splashing in puddles of water or doing a two step to baby shark doo doo doo.

This is me, I’m really blessed even though I have a lot of challenges and I have a huge purpose while I’m here on this earth. 

My parents hope to not only help me but other syngapians find answers to the things that we don’t understand yet. One day I hope to do everything that the doctors say I’ll never do. They said I wouldn’t walk and now I run. 

Watch what I do next!

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